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Our colors:

Make sure the lips are clean and line around the mouth with the UNG Lip pencil. Fill in the lips with the UNG Velvet Lipstick.

UNG Velvet Lipstick is the lipstick with the ultimate color sensation because these exclusive lipsticks contain more pigments than other formulas. The first time it is applied, it provides an intense vibrant color with a silky smooth finish. The extremely soft composition keeps the lips wonderfully soft and the special, nourishing ingredients ensure that your lips stay in top shape. Much attention has also been paid to the packaging. How often do you lose the cap of your lipstick in your purse? Now this never has to happen again because the cap of the lipstick is conveniently clipped with a magnet! Ideal to combine with the UNG Lip Pencils and the UNG Lip Brushes for the perfect application.
  •   Free shipping from € 50,-
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